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SR99 Accidents Fresno

Fresno’s eastern and southern borders are adjacent to Highway 99, a route known for speeders and reckless drivers. This highway, also called The Golden State Highway, sees heavy traffic as local commuters mix with travelers from across California during rush hour. As a result, drivers and passengers frequently face risks related to high-speed accidents that happen on Highway 99 every day. Understanding how these accidents occur and what to do if you find yourself involved in one, and how recruiting help from a Fresno auto wreck lawyer is essential.

Hazards of Highway 99

Highway 99 features six or more lanes, making it a frequent site for reckless lane changes and aggressive driving. The danger intensifies when this highway intersects with other busy Fresno roads like Highway 180 and Ashlan Avenue.

Various other factors contribute to accidents on Highway 99 beyond reckless driving. Distracted driving, such as using cell phones or in-car entertainment systems, is a major cause of crashes. Weather conditions can also play a significant role; rain, fog, and high winds may make the roadway more dangerous and lead to reduced visibility.

Speeding often compounds these issues; when combined with heavy traffic from local commuters and visitors merging onto this busy route, it creates a recipe for disaster.

Impact on Victims

The toll of these accidents becomes clear when examining annual statistics for Fresno County. In 2023, there were 3,614 fatal and injury crashes. The total number of fatalities in the county was 116 that year.

What to Do After a Car Accident on Highway 99

Experiencing a car accident can be overwhelming, especially on a busy road like Highway 99. Knowing what steps to take immediately after the incident can help ensure your safety and support any necessary lawsuits or insurance claims.

  • First, check if anyone is injured. If it’s safe, move vehicles out of traffic to prevent further accidents.
  • Contact law enforcement and medical personnel as soon as possible. Having an official report will help with insurance claims or personal injury lawsuits later.
  • Take photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, injuries, license plates, and any relevant signs or signals.
  • Share contact and insurance information with other involved parties. Gathering contact information for witnesses will also be beneficial.
  • Avoid discussing blame at the scene; focus solely on exchanging information while waiting for the authorities to arrive.
  • Get looked at by a doctor even if you feel fine initially.
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer in Fresno as soon as possible for help reporting the accident to the insurance company and filing a lawsuit if necessary.
  • Document all expenses related to the accident, including medical bills, vehicle repairs, and lost wages. Keeping accurate records will strengthen your claims process.
  • Follow through with all recommended follow-up appointments for both physical recovery and legal matters. Consistent medical care demonstrates the seriousness of your injuries if you choose to pursue compensation later on.

Taking these steps ensures that you are prepared as you navigate the aftermath of a car accident. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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